michael bloemeke

award-winning magic

In July 2025 Michael will be traveling to Turin, Italy to represent North America at the FISM World Championship a.k.a. The Olympics of Magic

book michael for your next event

"we had the time of our lives!"

-Some guy at a corporate event that I did. I forgot his name, but he really liked the show



I’ll come to your event and mingle among the crowd, giving personal performances for small groups at a time. Your guests will experience miracles happen just inches away. Great for adding some entertainment to happy hours and banquets.

Parlor Show

From grand stages to your own backyard, my parlor style shows are perfect for entertaining larger groups. With tons of humor and audience involvement, you’re guests will have the time of their lives!

Close-up Show

Perfect for living rooms or private parties, my close-up magic is catered towards smaller groups seated around the table with me, with an emphasis on sleight-of-hand card magic.

Can't decide what's right for you? let's talk!

Send me a message with any questions or concerns and we’ll schedule a phone call. I’ll go over all the details of what I can offer and together we’ll plan a magical experience that will make your event unforgettable!

here's a picture of me entertaining people

here are some more pictures of me
entertaining people

All of my performances are a one-of-a-kind experience, combining technique, comedy, and audience engagement. Making your event special and your guests excited is my highest priority